Determined to Live My Best Life Despite OCD and Other Challenges


My name is Marady and I was born and raised in Ontario, Canada. I was homeschooled through most of elementary school and all of high school. At a young age, I developed a love of art, books, film, music, nature and animals. When I was five, my dream was to be an artist. At ten, I discovered a love of filmmaking. From age eleven through to my teens (and twenties), I had various dreams. I aspired to be a veterinarian, then an actor, and then a musician. But my biggest dream of all was - and still is - to be a writer. Growing up, I spent many hours writing everything from short stories and poems to song lyrics and screenplays. Now, at thirty (and still bouncing around ideas of what I want to be when I grow up, aside from a writer), I'm in the process of building the life I've dreamed of - despite some major obstacles. 


We all face obstacles in life. Everyone struggles with different challenges. For me, those challenges include severe OCD and the anxiety and depression that often accompany it. Diagnosed with OCD at age nine, my mental health journey began when I was very young. I would go on to be diagnosed with anxiety, major depressive disorder and borderline personality disorder. These challenges affect my everyday life. In 2020, after the pandemic began, my mental health took a turn for the worse. My OCD, after years of being relatively under control, roared back to life, plunging me into a deep depression. My anxiety worsened. My appetite disappeared and I lost a great deal of weight. I spent hours engaged in the compulsions that came with my OCD. And I began to lose hope as I struggled to find joy in the things that had once made me so happy.


Weeks turned into months. A couple of years passed. I tried different medications. Natural supplements. Counselling. A stint in the psychiatric ward of my local hospital. Even electroconvulsive therapy. Some things helped while others didn't. But nothing brought me the relief I so desperately sought. My world felt dark and small. I slept as much as I could to escape the nightmare I was living. The only things keeping me going were my mom's love and support, and a very small glimmer of hope that one day things could be better. I decided to try another medication. I also decided to take up a new hobby - penpaling. I discovered the penpal community on Instagram, connected with two pals from the United States, and began writing letters. Before long, I was hooked. I soon found myself writing to people all over the U.S., as well as in Asia, Europe, Africa and beyond. With each new letter and each new connection, my world opened up a bit more and became a bit brighter. Meanwhile, my medication began to work, and I took up gratitude journaling. I began to wake up looking forward to the day instead of waking up full of dread. I began to practice gratitude for the things I already had, and found my life to be full of blessings. My appetite returned and I began to gain some much-needed weight. My compulsions took up less and less time. I could now spend those precious hours of my life doing things that bring me joy (like penpaling, creative journaling, and geocaching) instead of obsessing, washing, cleaning and sanitizing my days away. Thanks to finding a medication that works for me, and finding some hobbies that bring joy and meaning to my life, I was able to emerge from a really dark place. Things are not perfect and never will be. I still struggle every day, and have far to go in my journey. I may never know life without OCD and the challenges that come with it - but I know life can still be fulfilling despite those challenges.


What works for me may not work for someone else, but I hope that by sharing my story that I can offer hope to at least one person. I'm determined to live my best life despite the challenges I face, and I hope you can do the same despite whatever challenges you face in your life. I made this blog to connect with others and to share my journey of healing and following my passions, in the hopes that I can make a difference in some small way. So stay tuned for posts about mental health, doing what makes you happy, penpaling, creative journaling, and so much more! And remember: there is always hope. Thanks for reading. 



Me, adventuring in Cooper's Falls, Ontario, Canada 


  1. My good friend Marady.

  2. Love it. A nice intro into things ..

  3. It can be difficult opening up and sharing our personal lives that lay on the “darker side”—especially with the obstacles and how we’ve overcome them. I’m proud of you for sharing this and can’t wait to read more in the future <3

  4. This is really cool. I had seen your post of penpals but had no idea how much they ment to you. It is great that you are sharing your journey.

    1. Penpaling has been great for my mental health. Thanks for reading! 🤗

  5. Thanks for sharing your story! This will help so many to not feel alone and hopeless ❤️

    1. That is my hope! 💓 Thanks for reading! 🤗

  6. Life is all about finding and enjoying the simple necessary things. Happy for you!

  7. Keep this good work up .that's encouraging ❤

  8. Wow! This is sad and unbelievable! Why you feel the need to comment in this way is beyond me. You come across as an unhappy, judgemental, know it all, bully. You obviously do not know Marady or you would not say such ignorant things! Quite clear you also do not understand serious mental health issues. I admire her courage to be vulnerable and share her story, with the hope it can help even one person. Don't judge someone until you've walked in their shoes. I really hope no one is counting on you for compassion and support. I also truly hope you never have to endure such dark times...I would not wish that on anyone. If you don't like or appreciate her honesty, please don't feel the need to read or comment.

  9. You also asked a lot of questions which you obviously do not really care about. She owes you no answers or explanations. Can't help but wonder what's really going on with you or are you just a mean, hateful person?

  10. Well, this was completely uncalled for and unkind. Whatever your beef with her, this is not the place or the way to address it.

  11. Poster #2 I asked the questions because I do want the answers. Instead of being a sheep and saying "oh Marady you're so brave and so great and such a hero" I gave her something to work with. Kissing her ass isn't going to help her out. Calling her out on being a manipulative BPD adult-child that is perma-set to EZ mode will hopefully do more than your butt kissing will do!

    Being mean and hateful would be lying to her and telling her she is being brave and a hero and 'hopefully this helps at least 1 person" (she is only trying to help herself)

  12. Poster #3 Why was it uncalled for? Calling out an author for an interpretation of their work should never be uncalled for! She wants to be an artist and writer. Great! I laid out my interpretation of her works. She should be happy that someone was willing to say something other than "Oh Marady! You're a friggin hero and everyone should aspire to be so great! blahblahblahblahbaaaaa"

    You haven't made it in this world until you have a hater.

    Not that I would call myself a hater, per-say. More like...a "I call bullshit! Shouldn't have given away all the clues on your first post, Borderline!"

    Caitlyn Jenner would be proud of Marady's bravery!

    1. If your purpose is to stimulate discussion then here goes. You obviously are not as smart as you think you are or you would know that not all people with BPD are manipulative! Also having one professional diagnose you with BPD does not guarantee you have BPD. Most people with severe and complex mental illness have seen many professionals with differing opinions on a diagnosis. Even the professionals agree that so much in psychiatry is still unknown and they do not have all the answers. The smartest people admit that they don't know everything and do not jump to conclusions. You are not "pointing out facts" but sharing your biased opinion. But why? One has to question your motives. Why waste your time when obviously no one cares what you think or agrees with you? You seem to have a chip on your shoulder.

    2. Pretty sure my motive is clear: looking for a new employee!

      I don't care about the opinions of sheep.

      The chip on my shoulder is also very clear: I can't stand pretend victims and manipulators! She should get off her fucking ass and go do something useful.

      Need anything else spelled out for you? Shit, you must have been home schooled too. My dog has better reading comprehension than you!

  13. Since you want to hide behind Anonymous, I'll have to step in and say this...What the hell do you care if she was home schooled or not? I mean seriously what's your deal? Just because you went to school like what most would deem a normal kid doesn't give you the right to slam someone else for what their parents thought was right. Who are you to judge on what she's going through or gone through. You don't have the right to judge anyone for that matter or question what they do or why they do it. Might as well be questioning you and what you do 24/7. Are you an adult? Or just another troll hiding behind a screenname because you think you're better than anyone else? I've seen your kind and it's trash like you is why people get so discourage do do things.

    Who the hell do you think you are? Let's question you for a bit?

    Do you have a job? Probably living on someone else's crotch I'm sure. Do you text or go on Twitter constantly? I'm pretty sure you do. Facetime? You're probably so vain, so I'm sure you do.

    Did you finish college? I'm sure you did after stepping on other people to do so. Who did you parent's bribe to get your degree? I'm pretty sure you didn't work for that. You kissed alot of faculty ass to get through it. Probably cheated too I'm sure.

    Are you a licensed doctor or psychologist? LOL I don't think you're qualified to recommend a bottle of asprin let alone tell someone to grow up. Speaking of which, are you still on daddy's lap getting what you want or do you have a real job to have the big girl pants to have the ordasity to say this to someone. I'm really curious. Sounds by your condescending tone that you are the one pampered all your life while other people have suffered and you come on here and slam her because you think you're entitled to it? I don't think so.

    I will tell you this, you sealed your own cosmic fate stating something like this to someone who feels the need and has the right to express themselves. She doesn't need so called "high class" trash like you to put her down. She has guts to state her story and I commend her for that. Where's your story? Do you have anything real to say other than this garbage that everyone else sees through? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see garbage when they smell it. She has every right to write and she will continue to because it is her right to and trash like you can never take away feelings, dreams or hopes. It is garbage like you that makes the world not living in and if you're trying to provoke some kind of dismal outlook for her, you better think again. That also makes you pathetic and that's what you are, pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.

    Maybe you should be the one ending up in some ditch wondering how the hell you got there because your fate is all but sealed for picking on someone you shouldn't be picking on.

  14. It's folks fucktard. What you Dr.Phil? No wait....Dr. Phil has class unlike you. I'm calling you out. What kind of conversation are you trying to stimulate? You're attacking her and for what? Some kind of research guinea pig project or something? To me, you sound like someone who's been bullying people for a long time. If not physically then both mentally and verbally and it is people like you that end up where they belong in a dumpster, dead or beaten so badly that they wake up begging God to forgive them for their sins. You're just trying to make yourself look good with your jargon with you probably copied and pasted from some MD website because you think you're all that and piss all over her to make yourself look good. I'm sorry but it's not going to happen. You see other people here can see right through you. You're nothing but a flake. If you want to attack me, then come on and bring it. I'm tired of bullies like you and most of them end up in jail or dead. Fact of life. So go on, I want to hear what you have to say to me because believe me I will respond and I don't have to hide. So take off your mask and show us what a big person you are.

  15. Welp I know her and she gives everything she can to pepole and has a good hart more then most .. I hope u don't trigger depression with your uplifting statements.. I'd just see it as criticism that's it ^-^ no one's perfect. It's her betterment and progress I look forward to reading and what has got her to this point. And whare she will be in three years and doing only time will tell .. best wishes think u both need a hug

    1. Trigger depression? How much worse could it get for her? She has to sleep more and work less? Wouldn't that be horrible!?? Poor Marady!

      You want to read how she has gotten to this point? You mean the point where she is 30 and has avoided school and work her whole life? The only answer is hardcore manipulation and (only a guess) a very weak-minded mother who thinks catering to her daughter's every whim helped her. When it did not.

      Seriously, do you think she is in any form a role model for mental health? Really?? She is literally teaching people how to avoid any form of responsibility!

      Her biggest mistake was telling us she has Borderline Personality Disorder. Forget her OCD, forget her depression, forget her going over the top during the pandemic. Everything she does or has or she thinks she has is because of the Borderline.

      Borderline Personality Disorder folk are the #1 manipulators of all the mental disorders. They are better than than sociopaths/psychopaths at it! Not even close.

      There is a reason she is putting OCD as her main mental illness...the "other challenges are her Borderline. In fact , that is her main and only challenge.

      If Marady really wants to be a champion of mental health and well-being, she'll get off her ass, get a job, and pay some taxes. Like everyone else.

      Don't encourage/promote her/tell her she is special or making a difference. Tell her to get a job.

      How could someone with OCD have such insanely greasy hair??? You want to wash everything but yourself?? How is that even possible??

      Before you condemn me, please please please think about what I have written! You are being FOOLED!!

      You are NOT HELPING MARADY if you praise her! She is only seeking validation/cause to perpetuate her lifestyle of not doing anything!

      We all need to tell her to get off her ass and work like the rest of us!
      A little tough love is what she needs!

      If you really really care about Marady, please tell her to get a job or go to a real school. Encouraging her current lifestyle is not helping Marady or society!

    2. You are an expert? What are your credentials? You seem very focused on her homeschooling and inability to work. Many people are homeschooled...are you saying formal education is the only valid education? She sounds very intelligent to me. Do you not realize there are many people with different abilities who are unable to work outside the home or at all? I believe most wish they could. Do you not realize how rampant mental illness is? I think you are not living in the real world!

    3. You don't need to be an expert in psychology to know that Borderlines are the ultimate manipulators.

      In terms of who is living in the real world: I'm going to say all the people that went and got a real education, that pay taxes, that get off their ass and work hard. Those are the people in the real world.

      Not someone that boasts about laying in bed all day/penpaling/going for a wal (geocaching)

      My approach may be heavy handed, but it seems like Marady gets treated with kid's gloves.

      My brain cannot comprehend the level of invalid support for her.

      As a tax payers, it is my right to know where my tax dollars are being spent! If Marady's overall contribution to the world is a once ever blog post/penpaling/going for walks then maybe just maybe (shocking) it is fair we call her out on it!

      Most of my posts indeed speculation but so far not one person has proven me wrong. At all.

      The title of this blog is "Determined to live my best life..." how exactly does she plan on doing so?

      What IS Marady's best life? Continuing to do nothing at all with herself and the one life she has been given?

      Fucksakes people, tell her to grind her teeth and get out in the real world. Most of us have to do it! And ALL of us have a mental disorder yet we somehow manage to keep going at it.

      Stop coddling her and encouraging her to continue on her current path! She needs to learn grit/how to work hard/trying and failing.

      She clearly has none of those abilities. Nor is anyone here helping her try ro develop those skills!

  16. Keep up girl, God loves you.

    1. Which of the thousand+ gods do you mean when you say god loves her? Is it your god? Is your god the real god of all the thousands of made up gods? Wow! What luck for Marady that she gets love from the REAL GOD because you said so! Wow! I wish I had that power! You must be as special or more special than Marady! Awesome!

    2. Thanks so much! God bless! 🤗

  17. Didnt hope kinda stuff! Its really heart touching to read how u overcomed from the challenges!🥺💯 keep going Marady! Yr one of the best mate I found as a penpal! We love U!♥️💯

    1. Exactly how has she overcome her challenges? Honestly. What has she done to prove that statement correct? Writing a one post blog that most likely will never be updated? What a hero...She's 30 with zero education and zero job experience. You are NOT helping her by encouraging her current path. Tell her to grow up and become an adult! Please!

    2. Thanks so much for your support, I appreciate it! Much love to you too! 🤗💓

    3. Who said she has zero education and zero job experience? Someone seems to be making a lot of assumptions!

    4. She did! Being home schooled for all of high school is basically useless. There is a reason teachers have degrees before becoming teachers.

      The job experience is a guess. Considering she mentioned her dream jobs but made no mention of her current job. She did tell us she spends her days penpaling and geocaching. Did you even read her blog post?

      Wonder what she does to generate income? She should talk about that in her next post!

  18. (This is a part of the original post that was deleted for some reason...why would this be deleted....perhaps Marady doesn't want someone to point out what could be the truth? That is my guess. For those paying attention, insert this before December 16th, 2023 at 9:16)

    You seem pretty coddled, tbh. Having BPD means you're probably very manipulative. You somehow managed to avoid going to school (home schooled all throughout high school probably means you sat on the couch and watched TV. No way your Mom was qualified to teach you anything past grade 9) you are most likely are gaining the system to avoid work. No 30 year old can sit around and have penpals and go geocaching as their major achievements for a day.
    What brutal hardships have you had to endure? It doesn't sound you have worked a day in your life. In the world or at school. Sounds like you learned at a young age how to get what you want and have been doing so to be on easy street.

    Now that your meds are working, why not put on some big girl panties and try being an adult? It sucks. But everyone does it. What if your mom wasn't around to let you get away with everything? You'd have to adapt very quickly to the harsh realities of this world she has protected you from (and wrongfully so.)

  19. Here I am going on about Marady making something of herself when she can't really be much, in all honesty!

    Instead of feeding Marady a bunch of BS like the rest of you cattle, I shall offer Marady a cushiony job that may utilize her (only?) talent!

    Marady! Would you like a job where you don't have to leave your home or talk to anyone? You look pretty/young in your picture (minus the greasy hair, you'll need to shower and maybe work out a bit...oh no!! lol)! Years of not real stress/being exposed to any form of hardship have preserved your youth!

    We need to take advantage of that while we can!

    You should become an Onlyfans “model”!!

    I am very interested in sponsoring you in this endeavour! I'll pay for the equipment/studio and do all the editing/posting etc. You just have to do the shoots and maybe some fan interactions (all while hiding behind a computer) We can work out the details in person/not with everyone reading this.

    We can discuss pay ratio during our chat.

    If you wanna make a pile of money without a lot of work, make a post on your blog about this! I will reach out to you after!

    If you really are Borderline, this offer should pique your interest! Fuck everyone else and embrace the money and the thrill!

    Lemme know!

    1. Being her friend I have to look out for Marady, she doesn’t have greasy hair and she is one of the nicest and funniest girls you will know.

    2. THOSE are the points you choose to defend?

      Please everyone note that this person didn't disagree with anything I said except for her not having greasy hair. Which she does. Do you not have eyes??? Or maybe she just posts pictures of herself only with greasy hair. But in real life she washes it! Ahhhh okay well....coulda fooled me.

      Her kindness is probably her being manipulative. Remember the time you never said anything about that when you were defending her? Borderlines only appear to be kind. It is for their self gain and nothing more.

      Who cares if she is funny? Unless she is gonna get off her ass and do stand up comedy,her humour level does not matter.

      Wow Marady, your friends/family are terrible at backing you up! Not one of them have properly stepped up to defend you in any form.

      Perhaps they know I speak to truth and they are just to shitty and weak to agree with me?

      You ever going to give up an update on this thing? Or is this a one and done deal as I predicted?

      My Onlyfans offer stands if you wanna say "fuck it and fuck everyone (more than you already have have)" let's make a pile of money together while you can boost you confidence, have a purpose and a job to wake up for! It is a win all around!


    3. I think your sad and pathetic man your exactly what's wrong with the world today. I think it's fine for constructive criticism on anything but your comments go far beyond that. My guess is you hide behind the anonymous name because you know Marady in some way, maybe she turned you down at some point (if that's the case she definitely made the right choice)

      When you start attacking someone in a personal way that goes way beyond just constructive criticism. Why don't you share with everyone what makes you so great and perfect. Or are you just another armchair warrior looking to spread hate.

      The fact that you keep coming on this thread to post is just comical you have nothing better to do than try and bring someone down to your level. Why does her hair or appearance have anything to do with what she is writing about.

      You just like to spread hate and I feel sad for you. At least Marady has opened up her life and expressed herself and is trying to make a positive impact, your just a negative person that seems like this is what you do on a regular basis. If you think your so much better than her, let her know who you are instead hiding like the coward you are.

    4. Who said anything about being a man?

      Wow, turned me down is your theory? I wouldn't go out with Marady if she was the last person on earth. She seems like a barely functional adult. I want my partners to be capable of more then one post blogs in 2 weeks. Nice try though.

      Which of the posts are personal attacks on her? Telling her she has to wash her greasy hair if she wants to work for me? That's not an attack, that's telling her the minimal requirements of what I expect from her.

      What job/help have you offered her other than being a Armchair White Knight?

      I wouldn't write all this stuff if I didn't want a reply. Mostly from Marady. Just because randoms online want to reply for her makes it at least somewhat fun and worth coming back to check on.

      Please read my reply where I do not interpret her blog as her trying to help anyone but herself. It's very simple. I see her as a leech on society and her "trying hard and expressing herself" is her very basic effort to continue her easy life. Anyone that has managed to avoid pretty much all of school and work is a master class manipulator. She clearly has most of you fooled!

      I've already offered Marady to meet in person to discuss a potential job. Me putting up some random name doesn't really change me being anonymous. Like the name "Conner" means nothing me. Just like my name being posted would mean nothing to you.

      She is just putting on a show and this is a stages. Don't validate her! Tell her to go get a job and grow up!

    5. You are the one who needs to grow up. People like Marady are wonderful people when you get to know them. This is a new year. Let this girl talk openly about her life.

    6. "People like Marady"? You have met more people that has avoided any form of responsibility on the level of Marady? Really?? Wow.

      Let Marady talk more about her life? She'll have more to talk about? I doubt that.

      So why is everyone so hellbent on defending her? Honestly. Is she THAT weak and useless that everyone needs to defend her? No one thinks she's just avoiding any form of adulting?? Wow. She should run for some political office. She has you all fooled.

      Marady: you ever going to update this blog? Or Rey ro anything?

      You should strongly consider my offer.

      You have zero education and zero job experience.

      Let's make some money together! Stop draining society and start making money/feeling good about yourself.

      None of these folk understand you.

      Drop the act and the manipulation. Come work for me and we can make some serious cash!

    7. *Rey ro* = reply to

    8. Has it not occurred to you that Marady has not responded to you as you are not worth it?! She is showing more intelligence and integrity than you give her credit for.

    9. That's an interesting speculation! My guess is that I've gotten it mostly correct and she doesn't want to face the truth.

      Guess we can all wait for this thing to get an update (haha, not likely) to see what she says.

      I look forward to reading how Marady plans to "live my best life!"

  20. It is mind blowing that anyone is defending this girl. Not woman or lady. Girl.

    She has confessed to being manipulative(BPD) and to not ever really going to school. Nor mentioned having any form of profession/job. Thus being a 30 year old that HAS NEVER EVER HAVING ANY FORM OF JOB OR EDUCATION!!!

    What would you all think is more likely????

    Be honest

    Marady is manipulating you into believing she is a weak, useless human based on her past. Which is her convicting you she is completely useless.


    She is so retarded (the real definition. Shut up woke left)
    that she is barely able to wipe her own ass.

    Which is how you are treating her! Hahahaha

    Marady: join me and let's make a fortune! Your old ice bucket challenge on youtube suggests you have the talent for Onlyfans! F these loser. Let's make a ton of money!!

    1. Having BPD doesn't give you the right to treat her as less than human. BPD doesn't mean you are without feelings or the capacity for love, selflessness and personal growth - it's emotional dysregulation often brought on by instances of early abuse and neglect. Knowing this you have either two possible motives for posting the horrible, abusive, degrading comments you currently are. You're either genuinely thinking you're helping her with a "tough love attitude" or you have a personal beef with her in which case the anonymity you're cowering begin is particularly despicable. If it's the former, if you'd done even cursory research you'd know that "tough love" isn't going to lead anywhere with a sufferer of BPD - it just doesn't. If it's the latter, this is as I already said, the most cowardly way of addressing your personal issues with her. Everyone is deserving of compassion, forgiveness and redemption. Even you with whatever hatred is currently poisoning your heart. The amount of time and vitriol you've thrown at this single blog post for over two weeks suggests you harbour a great deal of anger. It might feel like this is helping you as some kind of self justified release - I can tell you it isn't. You're just throwing more fuel on whatever fire is currently burning inside of you. I feel sorry for you, and I hope you find the love and support you so desperately need. Take care.

    2. Gareth, my name is Josh Cowan and I am one of Marady’s penpals. I personally think she is a sweet girl. The hater needs to get a life. Marady is not a whore 😂

    3. Hiya Josh 👋 nice meeting you! I've seen all of the penpal letters she's been posting and I think it's a wonderful expression of love/friendship and there's clearly a lot of effort put into them. I think anyone capable of committing to being penpals with dozens of people and personalizing each envelope with care and attention, surely cannot be the awful person this anonymous instigator claims her to be. There is nothing wrong with being upset with someone - that's part of life. Peppering the comments on her blog that she's clearly very excited about, with this horrible misogynistic and frankly very personal vitriol is not conducive to anything. I really hope this person finds the help and support they are clearly lacking.

    4. Gareth, I am proud of my friend Marady and this blog.

    5. She's very lucky to have such supportive friends :) Take care and be kind everyone.

  21. As someone who also has depression, anxiety and panic attacks I can say that although medication and therapy help a lot, the main thing is the will that one has to change things. At least for me everything changed when I understood that I was hurting myself more, so I decided to do things that I like to keep my mind occupied. And for me, the most important thing, the hope and faith that I have in God.

    1. Thanks so much for reading and sharing your input! You bring up some great points. Having the will to change and keeping your mind occupied are both invaluable tools. Hope and faith in God is also important for many people, myself included. Thanks again for reading and I wish you all the best!

  22. This thing is more my blog now than Marady's! For someone that's inspiring to be a writer, she sure doesn't write a hell of a lot! Whew!

    Maybe she did get a job and is too busy for this? That would be excellent! That's the best life I hope she is living.

    Despite my clear resentment for this woman-child and her band of internet White Knights, I do wish for her to succeed at life. Going about it differently then everyone else makes sense because what all of you are doing is clearly not useful to her success.

  23. Lol at what point is this not Herasment. I'd love you to right a post about your life so we can go bash it like fuck... Do u go up to 5 year Olds at the mall waiting for Santa and say "Santa's not real u fucking retard"..or is that an age thing. Would u say it if they where 17 <_< or 37 .. maybie they kinda look handicapped "call a spade a spade right ..?" Maybie if they rote a note about why they wanted to see Santa. Amd it Rubed you the wrong way like this post did. u could call em out and shut em down how do you know this person so well that u can pas judgment... Yes u can call shit out on them but it's how u go about it. Do u not see the difference ..

  24. Are you saying Marady is a fucking retard and that she is handicapped? I really and truly have no idea what you are trying to say. Why did you bring up Santa?

    So you think it is okay for people to basically steal money from us in the form of being supported by our taxes? Maybe she comes from a rich family? If she has a job, why wouldn't she talk about it?

    She is clearly very capable of working (she's not missing any limbs, correct?)
    Yet it seems fine with everyone that she doesn't. That's weird and pretty annoying to be honest.

    Bet if she was a guy or an ugly fat girl, you would think differently. She's using her privileges to basically get out of being a functional adult. Which she is more than capable of. She just doesn't want to! And she knows she can get away with it because she clearlynhas been pulling this con since she started home schooling. It's sickening that everyone supports her without trying to actually help her.

    I wouldn't fucking work either if I could fool everyone into thinking I am completely useless and cannot work because "wahhh, life is hard!"

    And life gets harder the older you get, little cupcakes!

    Good thing Marady can get validation from her band of internet heroes so she can justify to herself not ever totrying to work or be a contributing member of society.

    It's not hard to pass judgement when someone confesses their life in the form of a 1 post blog.

    You really should have someone look over your posts before sending them out! I did my best to figure out what you said and to reply accordingly. Sorry if I got something incorrect.

    1. I'm sure she's contributing to society in some very positive ways. More than can be said for you...spreading hatred, negativity and prejuidice! You are a shining example of what is wrong with our society.

  25. Your not worth proof reading .. u should not pas judgment on pepole bottom line. Or why have fixed viewpoints when u lack clarity.. DIFFERENT if you know her AND are part of her life I doute it but if so lol we sould link up ID BE GLAD YOU SEE U in RL .. and I pay 980 in taxes and she is more deserving then some pepole I see at my work and others abusing the system .. why be like this. We all try to be better and we all take it day by day ..


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