Simple Things That Have Positively Affected My Mental Health
I've been struggling with my mental health since I was a kid. Like many of us, I haven't always used the healthiest of coping mechanisms. But I've also developed an array of healthy coping mechanisms and strategies for practicing self-care and regulating my mood that I employ on a regular basis. Depression, anxiety and OCD are still a big part of my life, but these tactics have greatly helped me to manage the symptoms. I've compiled a list of my favourite simple things that you can do to improve your mood and mental health and I hope you find some of them helpful. Let's go! Let there be light. Open up those blinds or curtains during the day and turn on some lamps at night. So many little things can affect our mood, including lighting - or lack thereof. I always feel better and cozier when I'm in a room with enough warm light to comfortably see what I'm doing, but not so much light that it feels blinding or irritating. Play around with different amou...