
Get Dirty For OCD

Logo by Hey everyone! I am super stoked to announce the launch of my very first social media campaign and online challenge, as part of  Mental Health Awareness Month : The #GetDirtyForOCD Awareness Challenge!  I've been living with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) for most of my life and I'm intimately aware of the great need in this world for more awareness, understanding, compassion, support and resources for those affected by this condition.  My hope is that, through this campaign, we can spread that awareness and make the world a better place for those with OCD and their loved ones.  I've included the guidelines and info for participating in this challenge below!  Join the Challenge! Join the #GetDirtyForOCD Awareness Challenge and help spread awareness about Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)!  OCD can make life and everyday tasks feel pretty messy - and, for some, getting dirty or messy is triggering and distressing, to put it mildly. For many, OCD is

Simple Berry Sorbet Recipe

I'm going to switch things up a little for this post by sharing the recipe for one of my favourite healthy homemade treats!  I've been trying to take my health into my own hands with a holistic approach that aims to embetter my mental, emotional, spiritual and physical health. This includes making healthy changes to my diet and eating more healthy foods. I've been looking into different recipes, with my focus being on healthy homemade vegetarian and vegan foods. There are so many yummy food options out there that can be prepared in a healthy way as alternatives to the stuff we often find in grocery stores, restaurants, etc.  I found a basic version of this simple, yummy recipe on the  Faust Island Instagram page a few years ago and have since made it several times and tweaked it to my liking. I'm sharing my tweaked version!  This recipe calls for six simple ingredients: frozen strawberries, frozen raspberries, honey, lemon juice, lime juice and a pinch of sea salt.  St

Self-Care 101

S elf-care is so important and yet so often overlooked.  Self-care: it's something that people are talking about a lot more these days. Let's take a look at what self-care actually is, why it's so important and ways that we can practice it.  What is self-care and why is it important? There are many definitions of self-care floating around online, but, simply put, self-care is the practice of caring for oneself and one's needs. A holistic approach to self-care aims to care for all of an individual's needs, ranging from physical needs like eating and bathing to emotional needs like expressing our feelings and connecting with others and everything in between.  Self-care is not selfish or synonymous with self-indulgence. Self-care is necessary for all individuals. Many of us may neglect self-care for various reasons, like mental health struggles or work or school interference. Parents and caregivers may also be especially prone to putting their own needs on the backburn

Journaling For Beginners

It's no secret that I love journaling.   I've been doing it since I was a kid and have been consistently keeping journals since the year I turned fifteen. I started with simple personal journal entries and diary-keeping. Over the years, my journaling practice has expanded to include art journals, gratitude journals, spirituality journals, junk journals and more. Much of my journaling falls under the category of creative journaling and scrap journaling, which we'll discuss more in a bit. But first, let's cover some basics. The Basics What is journaling?  Simply put, journaling is the act of documenting your thoughts and feelings. Notice that there is no mention of fancy journals or notebooks, or even any mention of words or paper in that description. One can journal through art, photography, video, and digital or online methods like blogging. But the most traditional method of journaling is writing in a physical notebook, and this is the method I started my journaling jo

Simple Things That Have Positively Affected My Mental Health

I've been struggling with my mental health since I was a kid. Like many of us, I haven't always used the healthiest of coping mechanisms. But I've also developed an array of healthy coping mechanisms and strategies for practicing self-care and regulating my mood that I employ on a regular basis. Depression, anxiety and OCD are still a big part of my life, but these tactics have greatly helped me to manage the symptoms.        I've compiled a list of my favourite simple things that you can do to improve your mood and mental health  and I hope you find some of them helpful. Let's go! Let there be light. Open up those blinds or curtains during the day and turn on some lamps at night. So many little things can affect our mood, including lighting - or lack thereof. I always feel better and cozier when I'm in a room with enough warm light to comfortably see what I'm doing, but not so much light that it feels blinding or irritating. Play around with different amoun

I'm Back!

A lot has happened since  my last blog post in February. I had every intention of posting something for the month of March and continuing my monthly posting schedule but I allowed life to distract me. During this impromptu hiatus, my personal life took me on a bit of an emotional rollercoaster ride. As always, I chose to focus on the positives. I met some awesome people this year and went on some memorable adventures. I made exciting further progress with my OCD recovery, celebrated my 31st birthday with friends and family, went camping for the first time in almost 30 years, and came out as non-binary. I discovered that I have a lot of great people in my corner, and I'm so very thankful.  As the year draws to a close, I've been setting goals and plans in place for 2024 and I'm feeling optimistic. One goal I have is to return to writing monthly blog posts. Topic suggestions are welcome! Another goal I have is to get back into doing the things that bring me joy; things tha

Valentine's Day Survival Guide

How do you feel about Valentine's Day?  According to some sources , one in ten young adults feel depressed, lonely, insecure or unwanted on Valentine's Day, and 40% of people have negative feelings toward the designated day of love. Some research suggests that Valentine's Day marks the start of an  annual rise in suicide  that peaks in April. If you're one of the many people dreading the upcoming holiday, you're not alone. Below are some ideas for getting through February 14th and making it an enjoyable day. Celebrate Love Valentine's Day has a long history  dating back centuries. It came to be celebrated as a day of romance around the 14th century, although its origins are even older. With such an emphasis on romance, it can be a difficult time for single people, people grieving the loss of a partner, or those struggling with unhappy relationships. But Valentine's Day can be celebrated as simply a day of love - any kind of love, not just the romantic variet